Friday 30 August 2013

1 down, 23 to go......

Not that I'm counting! The first week is over and I am settled into life here.  The early mornings took some getting used to, but it's been great so far. 

Last week during APD 1, a bunch of cadets that are further down the road than we are had a chat with us, and they all told us that the difficult thing about the ground school is the quantity of material not how difficult it is to learn.  Well they were certainly right. This week has been spent doing the first half of AGK (Aircraft General Knowledge) and while the subject matter is really interesting and I have enjoyed it so far, there is a lot of it and my brain is now overloaded with aircraft hydraulic systems, flight controls and de-icing systems among other things. To those with a sweet tooth like me, that's not cake icing unfortunately!

Motivation or Procrastination.....?
Flybe Embraer departing Southampton

Today was a scheduled "day off" for us to do some CBT, so Darryl, Josh (two of my housemates) and I went to Southampton airport to do some study while being provided with some motivation.  They didn't seem keen on providing viewing areas, so after a bit of discussion of where we could get cheap flights to and subsequently through the security barriers, we decided to go home. So in conclusion a bit of both!

Right enough of that, we're off to the pub!

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